Musical instruments (Sitar, Veena, Tabla & Dhol)

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Musical instruments (Sitar, Veena, Tabla & Dhol)

Date: 21-Jun-2014

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o Sitar means Sita’s taar (thread). Sita denotes મર્યાદા માં રેવું (means stay in your original form). At death, you meet yourself. Whenever you stay in your original form, then you do perfect vyavahaar (interaction with others). Those who have achieved perfection, they stay in maryada (right behaviour in right occasion & at right time). Those who are not perfect, they keep on hovering up & down and do not do perfect vyvahaar and thus do not stay in maryada. Sita got married to Ram. Wife should stay with husband in any circumstance. When Ram had to go I exile (Vanvaas), she went with him instead of staying in palace. When she lost her maryada and got distracted by the golden deer, then Raavan kidnapped her. If she had stayed in maryada, then Raavan would not have taken her. But sometimes what is written in destiny, one needs to act that way. If she had not done that, then how Ravana could have been killed. Afterwards she stated in maryada in Ashok Vatika (the garden of Ashoka trees). Raavan could not do anything. She passed agni – pariksha (fire test). When Ram gave her exile on the words of the dhobi (washerman), she accepted. If she had lost her maryada, she would have stayed with Ram. Because of that one mistake, she is not known as queen of maryada. Otherwise, she would be known as complete maryada. If one wishes to stay in maryada, then one needs to fulfil the 4 steps of vyavahaar.
o Sitar – Taar of Sita that connect to Ram. When Raavan took away Sita, Ram did not know where she was and who took her. Then when he came to know she is in Lanka, he made a bridge. Her taar was connected to Ram and so Ram could find her and go running to get her. Similarly, the taar that connects you to God, then God comes running to you. Sitar has 7 strings denotes 7 chakras. Sitar helps to open 7 chakras of your body.
o Veena – જેના વિના ભગવાન સાથે જોડાણ સંભવ નથી (Without which a connection with God is not possible). That is veena. Raavan played veena to impress Shiv. When you play veena, you can achieve God. Veena has 9 taar (strings) for 7 chakras & 2 bodies (astral and causal).
o Tabla – tab is urdu word for God. La means lai (rhythm). Tabla came from Afghan.
o Dhol – play from both sides, vibration generated inside, which generates “OM” naad inside. When you modify dhol then you get small tabla & big tabla. In tabla “OM” naad is not generated. In tabla, you become lai (in tune with God).
o Minidhol is damaru. When damru plays, it gives warning to negative force. Do not do more or “OM” will be generated
o Veena & dhol are complimentary each other and sitar & tabla are complimentary each other.

- These are topics of various aspects of spirituality as told by Para.

Mudras around the Juna Deesa Mataji Mandir
Naad (Primordial Sound)
o Sitar means Sita’s taar (thread). Sita denotes મર્યાદા માં રેવું (means stay in your original form). At death, you meet yourself. Whenever you stay in your original form, then you do perfect vyavahaar (interaction with others). Those who have achieved perfection, they stay in maryada (right behaviour in right occasion & at right time). Those who are not perfect, they keep on hovering up & down and do not do perfect vyvahaar and thus do not stay in maryada. Sita got married to Ram. Wife should stay with husband in any circumstance. When Ram had to go I exile (Vanvaas), she went with him instead of staying in palace. When she lost her maryada and got distracted by the golden deer, then Raavan kidnapped her. If she had stayed in maryada, then Raavan would not have taken her. But sometimes what is written in destiny, one needs to act that way. If she had not done that, then how Ravana could have been killed. Afterwards she stated in maryada in Ashok Vatika (the garden of Ashoka trees). Raavan could not do anything. She passed agni – pariksha (fire test). When Ram gave her exile on the words of the dhobi (washerman), she accepted. If she had lost her maryada, she would have stayed with Ram. Because of that one mistake, she is not known as queen of maryada. Otherwise, she would be known as complete maryada. If one wishes to stay in maryada, then one needs to fulfil the 4 steps of vyavahaar. o Sitar – Taar of Sita that connect to Ram. When Raavan took away Sita, Ram did not know where she was and who took her. Then when he came to know she is in Lanka, he made a bridge. Her taar was connected to Ram and so Ram could find her and go running to get her. Similarly, the taar that connects you to God, then God comes running to you. Sitar has 7 strings denotes 7 chakras. Sitar helps to open 7 chakras of your body. o Veena – જેના વિના ભગવાન સાથે જોડાણ સંભવ નથી (Without which a connection with God is not possible). That is veena. Raavan played veena to impress Shiv. When you play veena, you can achieve God. Veena has 9 taar (strings) for 7 chakras & 2 bodies (astral and causal). o Tabla – tab is urdu word for God. La means lai (rhythm). Tabla came from Afghan. o Dhol – play from both sides, vibration generated inside, which generates “OM” naad inside. When you modify dhol then you get small tabla & big tabla. In tabla “OM” naad is not generated. In tabla, you become lai (in tune with God). o Minidhol is damaru. When damru plays, it gives warning to negative force. Do not do more or “OM” will be generated o Veena & dhol are complimentary each other and sitar & tabla are complimentary each other. Musical instruments (Sitar, Veena, Tabla & Dhol) 2014-06-21

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