In the land of saints, various seers and saints leave behind their imprint on your soul. They take you, sometimes bake you but mould you in a form that spreads fragrance to the world. Saints are the pillars of the universe. They are such invisible hands that will guide you, nurture you, feed you and give you what is needed for your soul upliftment. Souls are nature’s gift to the universe and saints are god’s gift to these souls. Saints bless them, remove their struggles, purify them soak them in good values and release them for the good of the society.
To get the blessings of a saint is to be truly blessed. To gain insight of one ownself cannot occur without blessing of a saint.
Saints come in various forms and figures. Some may come to you in a physical form, some may advise you in a dream and some just do their work without you even being aware of them.
Saints are your guardian angels. Guard them well for they can be the source of your liberation. Saints know the way to be liberated, to overcome the cycle of life and birth. Saints are the divine souls, the divine hearts that reside in your tiny hearts. These give the tiny voices that sometimes warn you against doing something which is not for your own good.
Saints give meaning to life, purpose in life and your goal in life. They help you to walk in life, learn in life and achieve your final destination in life.
Serve them well, worship them well for they are worth revering, they are worth worshipping, they are worth pursuing and worth your very life living.
- These are topics of various aspects of spirituality as told by Para.