Agar means alternative, Batti means light.
Why is agarbatti long & slender and not in other shape?
o The fragrance should last long enough to change the aura in the room. Thus it is long.
o Whenever we tell anything to God, we keep as medium & sakshi (witness) – agni (fire). When we keep agni as sakshi & tell or ask God, then change definitely comes in life. When we do agarbatti, then smoke & fragrance comes which spreads everywhere. It affects your thoughts, desires, emotions. It spreads your prayer via fragrance. It changes the magnetism of earth. It changes the environment around you. With change in magnetism, it also changes your karma (fate). That is why alter the light of my life is agarbatti.
o Sankalp is not done with diva – as the light lasts less and fragrance does not spread.
- These are topics of various aspects of spirituality as told by Para.