
Para Talks » Articles » Happiness


Date: 03-Sep-2014

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Happiness is not a phase of life it's a way of life. Humans are constantly in search of happiness. They search for happiness in external things. External things only give entertainment. They cannot provide happiness. They search for happiness in relations. But relation can sour, can bind, and it can lead to unhappiness too. All these external things, relations are dependent on happiness. ithout these, a person perceives that he cannot remain happy. It's a deception. They are only fooling themselves. These are just a means of overcoming internal insecurity. When we have external things or relations, we consider ourselves to be secure. It is a false notion. Security, happiness is self-gained. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Even if you are with one thousand people, but not with yourself, you will be unhappy.
People consider money as happiness, comfort as happiness. If money is happiness, comfort is happiness, then the royalty should be the happiest people in the world. If this was true then, every rich person should be happy, and the poor would strive to become rich so that even they can become happy. But even without riches and comfort, some people can remain in a state of happiness. Thus, happiness is a state of mind independent of others. Happiness is not situation-based. “Today my son hugged me, so I am happy. Tomorrow my husband does not understand my point of view, so I am unhappy.” Happiness is not this. These are just momentary “emotional swings”. Happiness can be present in any situation.
The true nature of a soul is to be happy. Thus, when the soul connects with itself, it automatically gets happy. The soul is nothing but a part of God. Thus, when you associate with God, you get happiness. Hence, this is the only way to achieve true happiness. Else sorrow and misery will always chase you in life because your happiness is “situation-dependent.”
If you don’t know how to connect with God, then pray that “God, please make me connect with you.” Once the connection starts, only then can there be happiness.

- These are topics of various aspects of spirituality as told by Para.

Guru’s Love is Same as God’s Love
Happiness is not a phase of life it's a way of life. Humans are constantly in search of happiness. They search for happiness in external things. External things only give entertainment. They cannot provide happiness. They search for happiness in relations. But relation can sour, can bind, and it can lead to unhappiness too. All these external things, relations are dependent on happiness. ithout these, a person perceives that he cannot remain happy. It's a deception. They are only fooling themselves. These are just a means of overcoming internal insecurity. When we have external things or relations, we consider ourselves to be secure. It is a false notion. Security, happiness is self-gained. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Even if you are with one thousand people, but not with yourself, you will be unhappy. People consider money as happiness, comfort as happiness. If money is happiness, comfort is happiness, then the royalty should be the happiest people in the world. If this was true then, every rich person should be happy, and the poor would strive to become rich so that even they can become happy. But even without riches and comfort, some people can remain in a state of happiness. Thus, happiness is a state of mind independent of others. Happiness is not situation-based. “Today my son hugged me, so I am happy. Tomorrow my husband does not understand my point of view, so I am unhappy.” Happiness is not this. These are just momentary “emotional swings”. Happiness can be present in any situation. The true nature of a soul is to be happy. Thus, when the soul connects with itself, it automatically gets happy. The soul is nothing but a part of God. Thus, when you associate with God, you get happiness. Hence, this is the only way to achieve true happiness. Else sorrow and misery will always chase you in life because your happiness is “situation-dependent.” If you don’t know how to connect with God, then pray that “God, please make me connect with you.” Once the connection starts, only then can there be happiness. Happiness 2014-09-03 https://myinnerkarma.org/articles/default.aspx?title=happiness

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