Star of David (Hebrew)

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Star of David (Hebrew)

Date: 21-Jan-2015

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The biblical star is a six-edged star. It depicts David. Star gives light & direction. It denotes the 6-pronged direction it gave to the Jews. The star has 6 triangles, six directions and centre pyramid with six sides. These together make 18. This is their Sri yantra. Six triangles are 6 aspects of life.
1. Way of living: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should not be greedy, jealous, or lazy. This gives direction to right living.
2. Way of praying: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should pray 3 times a day in morning, afternoon, and evening. Thus, one keeps the lord in his prayers all the time.
3. Way of speaking: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should speak the truth, speak in such a way that it should not hurt, and should not speak foul. This gives sweetness of tongue, but not flattery. Thus, you keep your speech refined.
4. Way of behaving: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should not harm, should not cast evil eye, and should help others. This creates compassion as a direction.
5. Way of knowledge: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should learn the truth, should keep the thoughts pure, and should not indulge in bad emotions. This creates purity of thoughts.
6. Way of emotions: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should love all, embrace all, and give to all. This creates purity of heart.

When all these triangles are followed, then base of spirituality becomes strong. The base is formed by base of the 6 triangles.
1. Right living
2. Right speech
3. Compassion
4. Purity of thoughts
5. Purity of heart
6. Praying.
When this base is formed, it gives you centre - your God.

- These are topics of various aspects of spirituality as told by Para.

Sri Yantra
The biblical star is a six-edged star. It depicts David. Star gives light & direction. It denotes the 6-pronged direction it gave to the Jews. The star has 6 triangles, six directions and centre pyramid with six sides. These together make 18. This is their Sri yantra. Six triangles are 6 aspects of life. 1. Way of living: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should not be greedy, jealous, or lazy. This gives direction to right living. 2. Way of praying: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should pray 3 times a day in morning, afternoon, and evening. Thus, one keeps the lord in his prayers all the time. 3. Way of speaking: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should speak the truth, speak in such a way that it should not hurt, and should not speak foul. This gives sweetness of tongue, but not flattery. Thus, you keep your speech refined. 4. Way of behaving: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should not harm, should not cast evil eye, and should help others. This creates compassion as a direction. 5. Way of knowledge: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should learn the truth, should keep the thoughts pure, and should not indulge in bad emotions. This creates purity of thoughts. 6. Way of emotions: The 3 sides of the triangle depict that one should love all, embrace all, and give to all. This creates purity of heart. When all these triangles are followed, then base of spirituality becomes strong. The base is formed by base of the 6 triangles. 1. Right living 2. Right speech 3. Compassion 4. Purity of thoughts 5. Purity of heart 6. Praying. When this base is formed, it gives you centre - your God. Star of David (Hebrew) 2015-01-21

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