Vasishta Rishi

Para Talks » Saints » Vasishta Rishi

Vasishta Rishi

Date: 01-Jun-2014

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He is one of the sapt (Seven) rishis (wise saints). He has no origin or end. He was Kul guru (family teacher and preacher) of Ram. However, he was not guru (teacher) of Ram. He wrote Vasishta Samhita which is based on astronomical astrology. He could prophesize future based on planets. He knew Ram was god. Thus, he did not become his guru. Sage Vishvamitra became the guru of Ram. He has Kamdhenu (wish fulfilling) cow. Vasishta worships shakti (divine energy) in form of MA (divine mother).

- Insights of several saints as revealed by Para.

St. Istvan (Gellert Hill, Budapest)
He is one of the sapt (Seven) rishis (wise saints). He has no origin or end. He was Kul guru (family teacher and preacher) of Ram. However, he was not guru (teacher) of Ram. He wrote Vasishta Samhita which is based on astronomical astrology. He could prophesize future based on planets. He knew Ram was god. Thus, he did not become his guru. Sage Vishvamitra became the guru of Ram. He has Kamdhenu (wish fulfilling) cow. Vasishta worships shakti (divine energy) in form of MA (divine mother). Vasishta Rishi 2014-06-01

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